To change the language displayed on the device, you have to change the device's resource file. 

Follow the steps below to translate the device's UI language. 

BioStar 2

1. Download the resource file from the following link

Confirm the version of the firmware and download the resource files.

* If you need the most recent version for 2nd generation devices, download the tool from the link below. 

(Updated: 17-Oct-2022)

* For resource file please use the string.rc file you will get when downloading a firmware from our website.

For new firmware release, please use the string.rc file you will get inside firmware package downloaded from website

Example for BS3 1.2.1 firmware release

Then you can use the below tool from 17_Oct2022


BioSation 3 resource file and tool have been updated.






20210203_FSF2_ResourceFile_and Tool for FSF2 only.7z

2. When you receive the resource file, download the attached file. 

3. Change the downloaded (ResourceTool1.1.ex) file extension to .exe. 

4. Run the program with administrator privileges. 

5. Click Open.

6. Select 'All file' for file names.

7. Select your resource file and click Open.

8. Enter your firmware version in Version.

9. Enter your device model in Device Type.

10. Select your card type on Card Type. 

Note: You can save your progress by clicking Save.

11. Change the text as desired on the visible rows. 


- Custom UI usually starts in line 40000.

- If you find editing on the program inefficient, you can open the rc file with a common text reading tool and edit it from there and then open the file in the tool only to build the resource file. 

12. Click Build

13. The resource file is created in the same directory your ResourceTool1.1.exe is in. 

14. Copy the .bin resource file to C:\Program Files\BioStar 2(x64)\resource  

15. Log in to BioStar 2 web client. 

16. Select your device. 

17. Go to Advanced > Display/Sound. 

18. In Language, select Custom.

19. Click Update Resource

20. Select your resource file. 

21. Click Yes when a popup appears. 

22. Click Apply

Note: double-check if the Language has changed to Custom.  

The device will reset after applying the resource file. 

Check that your change has been applied properly on the device.

If you use a language that requires a special font, please scroll down to the bottom and remove '//' in front of the number 60000. Then, copy the font name from the samples and paste it next to 60000.

For your reference, if you are using Thai font, you can put the Thai font name, NotoSansThai-Regular, as below:

* Please note that you do NOT need to modify this part on the following devices; BSA2, FaceStation 2, FaceStation F2, and X-Station 2.

BioStar 1

Translate and tag the file with the same tool as shown above. 

Apply the resource file in the Display/Sound menu of the device. 


1. Will it cause a problem if I apply a resource file that is a higher version than the firmware? 

No, it is fine to apply a resource file that is a higher version than the actual firmware. The new feature's text is just ignored.
However, note that the new texts will not appear properly if you use an older resource file than the firmware version.

2. Do I have to create a new .bin file with the tool for every different device type and card type? 

You need to tag the correct device type. However, the software does not care for the card type.

3. Do I have to create a new .bin file with every new firmware version even if there were no UI changes?

It does not matter if you do not change the version information. It is only for tagging purposes.