Affected Version: BioStar 2.9.5 or above 

In order to understand and apply the [Quick Action] feature properly, you must first check out the newly improved Trigger & Action Menu.

Please visit this link ▶Improved Trigger & Action Menu  and get the general concept of the improved Trigger & Action Menu. 

After you have a general understanding of the improved Trigger and Action Menu in BioStar 2 version 2.9.5, please follow this guide below to apply the [Use as Quick Action] feature. 

In order to activate Quick Action feature in BioStar 2, TWO seperate process must be done as a whole
Part 1. Setting Trigger & Action
Part 2. Activating Quick Action Button feature in BioStar 2 Software - Custom Interface

※ Part 1. Setting Trigger & Action

  1. BioStar 2 Version 2.9.5 or above → Settings → Trigger & Action 
Critical Note 
If you want to create a [Quick Action] that requires no trigger event such as a case where you want to Manually Unlock all doors in BioStar 2 software or Manually Lock all doors viseversa, you can set up [Quick Action] WITHOUT trigger event.

2. If you plan to set [ Quick Action ] that requires a Trigger Event, then you will set the trigger event in the Event Column as shown in the image below. Device / Door / Zone are the settings for Trigger Event. 

      More Events for Device can be found by scrolling up/ down in the Event Column. 

3. After selecting a particular Event Trigger, you can select more than one action for that event 

4. Now, before clicking the [Apply] button at the bottom of the screen, if you desire to use the above-set Trigger and Action as [Quick Action], you MUST check the Schedule part to be [Always] and then select the check box of [ Use as Quick Action]

• Quick Action is only available when the Schedule is Always.
• By selecting Use as Quick Action, you can create a button on BioStar 2 software UI to activate the action.

※ Part 2. Adding the Quick Action Button to the Biostar 2 Main Screen 

After selecting a certain Trigger & Action to be used as [Quick Action]. We will now create a Quick Action Button for easy/ quick access. 

1. BioStar 2 Version 2.9.5 or above → Settings → Custom Interface 

2 In the Quick Action Layout, click + Add to enter and select each item. 

  • Operator Level: Select the Operator Level to run the added Quick Action. You can select multiple options. 
  • Trigger & Action: Select the Trigger & Action to run. You can select multiple options. 
  • Confirm Before Run: Enabling this option prompts a confirmation pop-up when pressing the Quick Action button on the main screen, asking whether to proceed with running the Quick Action.

3 Click Apply to save the settings. 

4 Click Apply on the Custom Interface screen. Check the confirmation pop-up and click Yes. The Quick Action button added to the top bar of BioStar 2 will be created. 

Critical Note 
• Up to 4 Quick Action buttons can be added to the top bar of the main screen.
• The Quick Action button that appears may vary depending on the Operator Level set for the user.

5. Clicking the Quick Action button, created on the top bar of the main screen, will execute the predefined actions set in TRIGGER & ACTION. 

※ [How to Video] No trigger event Quick Action Feature for Manual Unlock for security reasons.

The video below is a how-to guide for using the Quick Action feature without setting a certain Trigger Event. 

In this example, we set all doors in the BioStar 2 software system to be Manually Unlocked for emergencies when the Quick Action button gets clicked.