Applied to : FW v1.0.0_20200916 or high version
BioStar v2.8.6 or high version
FaceStation F2 (FSF2 for short) is a new Facial authentication product and a Fingerprint product of Suprema.
Key features of FSF2 are User Photo Enrollment, Access On Card, 1:N 50,000 Face User Support, Mask Detection, and Fingerprint Sensor support.
Why FaceStation "F2"?
F2 from FaceStation F2 means “Fusion.” Fusion represents IR-based Facial authentication and our new AI-based Visual Face authentication.
Visual-based“IR-based Face authentication” gives you a better anti-spoofing mechanism to detect fake faces, and “Visual based Face authentication” offers you speed in enrollment and authentication.
For more details about the Fusion Algorithm, click here.
What’s new about FaceStation F2?
1. New Face Authentication Technology
a. Fusion Face Matching Support = IR camera Based + Visual Camera Based
Note: Face template from FaceLite or FaceStation 2 is NOT compatible with a face template of FaceStation F2 because the algorithm is different from FaceStation F2.
2. User enrollment methods
Refer to [BioStar 2] How to Enroll Visual Face Credential
- Supported number of Visual Face poses maximum 2 per user
a. Enrollment through Device menu directly
b. Enrollment through the connected device from the credential [Visual Face] of BioStar 2 User menu
i. It can also be available to use BioStar 2 Device SDK. (Click here)
ii. It can also be available to use Suprema G-SDK. (Click here)
c. [New Feature] User Photo Enrollment through BioStar 2
- Supported image file formats are JPG, JPEG, and PNG.
- Supported image file size: minimum 250 x 250, maximum 10MB.
- From BioStar 2.8.10, the minimum size limit is removed.
i. It can also be available to use BioStar 2 Device SDK. (Click here)
ii. It can also be available to use Suprema G-SDK. (The schedule is TBD.)
d. [New Feature] Enrollment through Mobile Phone with BioStar 2 Cloud and SMTP configuration in BioStar 2
BioStar 2 AC Standard License is required to configure BioStar 2 Cloud.
[BioStar 2] Server License Specification

e. [New Feature] User Enrollment with the photo file name and the directory through CSV Import with BioStar 2 from v2.8.7 or high version
3. Access On Card Support for F2 Face Template or Fingerprint template
a. A smart card can store an F2 Face Template or a Finger Template on the card memory.
Note: A smart card CANNOT store a F2 Face and a Fingerprint Template at the same time.
4. Maximum user capacity
a. FaceStation F2 supports 1:N 50,000 Face users.
5. Mask Detection and Face authentication with wearing a mask
Since it supports Mask Detection and Face Authentication with wearing a mask as an option, you can go through the door wearing a mask.
6. Suprema Mobile Access Support
[BioStar 2] How to Use Suprema Mobile Access
7. Suprema Thermal Camera (Click here)
FaceStation F2 meets the needs of the post-pandemic world with features like remote user enrollment, detection of users without masks, and face
authentication of users wearing masks. When combined with Suprema Thermal Camera, FaceStation F2 can identify people with elevated skin temperature.
Supported Model list
FSF2-DB and FSF2-AB: Face Authentication
- Depending on the card type, the model type is divided.
FSF2-ODB: Face Authentication and Fingerprint Recognition Support
- FSF2-ODB supports multimodal authentication with a Fingerprint sensor.
What are the different things from other BioStar 2 products?
Mask detection
Face Authentication with wearing Mask
Suprema Thermal Camera with TCM10-FSF2, which has a USB C type cable
Fingerprint template compatibility from other BioStar 2 fingerprint products
Fingerprint Server Matching
Not supported
F2 Face Server Matching
Wireless LAN Connection
PoE (Power over Ethernet)
SIP-based VoIP server or an Analogue Interphone
Face template Compatibility from FaceStation 2 or FaceLite
A&E Specification of FaceStation F2
Click here
Product Info
Click here
1. What kind of image format does FaceStation F2 support?
Basically, JPG, JPEG, and PNG are supported.
2. Could we use the face templates of FaceStation 2 to the user face templates of FaceStation F2?
Unfortunately, no. It is not supported because of the different technology.
3. Could we use the Access on Card, encoded as Fingerprint from FSF2-ODB to other Biostar 2 Fingerprint products? Vice versa, could we use the Access On Card, which is encoded as a Fingerprint from other BioStar 2 Fingerprint products to FSF2-ODB?
The fingerprint Template of FSF2-ODB is compatible with other BioStar 2 products. If the smart card layout between FSF2-ODB and other BioStar 2 fingerprint products is the same, you can use one single Access On Card for both of the products.
4. How many face templates of a user of FSF2 are required for user enrollment?
It is 2 face templates per 1 user.
5. Could we make an image log when there is abnormal skin temperature detected from TCM10-FSF2?
You can configure the image log option for abnormal temperature detection or other relevent logs.
6. Could we register massive users at once?
From BioStar v2.8.7 or high version, you can register massive users' photos through CSV Import with BioStar 2.
7. Do FSF2-DB and FSF2-AB store Fingerprint templates like FSF2-ODB?
FSF2-DB and FSF2-AB store Fingerprint templates like FSF2-ODB for RS-485 master/slave mode.
8. Could we use QR code detection with the visual camera of FaceStation F2?
I am sorry, but FaceStation F2 doesn't support QR Code Detection officially.
If you are looking for simple QR code detection as a card credential of BioStar 2 User, please contact the Suprema sales team or Suprema Authorized Partner.
9. Could we connect FSF2 through RS-485 wiring?
Yes, but there are certain conditions. Please refer to the following note of the Installation Guide.
Please note that the FW upgrade for RS485 slave device will take longer than a TCP connection because of the file size.
So, a USB FW upgrade is recommended if an FW upgrade is required.
1) If a fingerprint authentication device is configured as a slave device in FaceStation F2, you cannot add another FaceStation F2 as a slave device.
2) If the fingerprint authentication device is the master device, FaceStation F2 cannot be added as a slave device.
When you connect FaceStation F2 as a slave device while FaceStation F2 is the master device, only one FaceStation F2 can be added as a slave device.
3) If FaceStation F2 is configured as a slave device for the face authentication terminal, you can connect one additional Secure I/O 2 and DM-20 each.
4) If FaceStation F2 is configured as a slave device for the face authentication terminal, you cannot connect an additional OM-120.
5) The maximum number of slave devices available to connect varies according to the authentication method, number of users, and devices. Also, note that the number of slave devices affects the authentication speed.
6) A master device can control 31 slave devices. The bandwidth of RS-485 allows for up to 7 fingerprint authentication devices to be connected.
7) A RS-485 Master, FaceStation F2 cannot have FaceStation 2 as an RS-485 Slave device, or an RS-485 Master, FaceStation 2 cannot have FaceStation F2 as an RS-485 Slave device.
For more details, please refer to the linked article; [BioStar 2] Visual Face Devices' Master and Slave Configuration