The author of the article is Krista Kim who is in charge of CS-40 Sales.  

CS-40 becomes the world’s First Face Recognition Access Controller. It is true centralized biometric-enabled controller that functionalities with fingerprint and face matching. Discover in this video how you can easily set and use Suprema’s face recognition terminal FaceStation 2 and FaceLite with CS-40. 


To use that function, please check the version of BioStar 2 SW and the version of CS-40 first.

- BioStar 2:  From Biostar v2.8.3, you can use the feature. BioStar v2.8.3 will be released by July 2020. 

- CS-40: From CS-40 v1.4, the CS-40 supports the Face Matching Feature with FaceStation 2 and FaceLite, which are connected to RS485(OSDP).  Please download the recent firmware of CS-40 from the below link.

Q1. How many face recognition devices can connect to one CS-40?  

    5 units. It can connect one unit to each RS485 port of CS-40.   Please note that you cannot connect multi-Face Recognition devices per one single RS485 port.

Q2. What is the face user capacity of CorStation? 

    3,000 Users (1:N) / 30,000 Users (1:1)

Q3. Can IO devices connect to a Face Recognition Device?

    1 unit of SIO2 and 1 unit of DM-20 can connect to a face recognition device.

Q4. How many slave devices can we connect to CS-40 by RS485, including a face recognition device? 

    64 slave devices (Max. 31 per port). 

Q5. Is it possible for a Face Recognition Device to be connected to CS-40 to enroll the user’s face? 

    No. You need a separate face recognition device connected to the server directly (via Ethernet) for enrollment.