If multiple users were enrolled same fingerprints or face, then there can be some security problem. To prevent user enrollment with duplicated fingerprints or faces, duplication check-in BioStar 2 is supported from BioStar 2 v2.7.8. You need to match BioStar 2 server version and device firmware versions to enable the 'Duplicate Check' feature.

Device Model
Firmware Version
FaceStation 2
v1.3.0 and later
v1.1.0 and later
BioStation 2v1.8.0 and later
BioStation L2v1.5.0 and later
BioStation A2
v1.7.0 and later
BioLite N2
v1.2.0 and later
FaceStation F2
v1.0.0 and later
BioStation 3
v1.0.0 and later
X-Station 2
v1.0.0 and later
BioStation 2a
v1.0.0 and later

1. Basic information on the 'Duplicate Check' feature

  • You must use BioStar 2 v2.7.8 and supporting firmware to support this feature.
  • It is supported when you use 1:N matching. (It is not supported when you use 1:1 matching)
  • If one user registers the same fingerprints/faces, there will be no duplication check for those data.
  • Duplication checking time and speed will differ by the location of fingerprint/face data stored.
  • Even though there are many duplicated fingerprint / face / visual face users from current database, BioStar 2 and device will show 1 user information.
  • You can enable this feature in the 'Slave' device, however, the function will not work.
  • If someone tries to enroll a user with duplicate biometric information, the registration will fail. You can check the log through Monitoring and Settings—Audit Trail.


  • The duplication-checking feature is supported when enrolling a user fingerprint or face from the device menu, not BioStar 2.

2. Configure from BioStar 2 server/client

  • You can configure for fingerprint/face duplicate check, enable or disable.
  • It does not have a limitation on whether your device has an LCD or not. (Only needs your firmware to support this feature.)
  • BioStar 2 - Device - (Selected Device) - Fingerprint or Face/Visual Face - Duplicate Check - Enable / Disable
  • The default setting in BioStar 2 server is 'disabled.'

<Fingerprint Duplicate Check from BioStation 2>

<Face Duplicate Check from FaceStation 2>

<Visual Face Duplicate Check from FaceStation F2>

3. Configure from Suprema device

  • You can configure for fingerprint/face duplicate check, enable or disable.
  • It is only supported in LCD on devices.
  • Device menu (ESC key) - Authentication - Fingerprint / Face - Operation - Duplicate Check
  • The default setting in the device is 'enabled.' (You should manually set 'enabled' after you upgraded the firmware after you upgrading from 'not supported' version to 'supported' version.)