This article introduces you one of BioStar 2 API's that syncs Active Directory to your BioStar 2. 

POST         /api/v2/setting/syncadserver

Body Parameters : 

serverAddressstringYIP Address of the Domain Controller.
userNamestringYUser Name which will be used to connect to the Domain Controller.
passwordstringYUser Name's corresponding password.
userDomainNamestringYBaseDN of the Domain Controller.
useSSLbooleanYYou can use the encryption when communicating with a Windows Active Directory server.
Install Active Directory Certificate Services and set the keystore password by referring to Active Directory Encryption.
Enable logging into BioStar 2 using the Windows Active Directory account .

Request Example : 


    "serverAddress": "",

    "userName": "",

    "password": "example12345",

    "userDomainName": "DC=test,DC=com",

    "useSSL": false,

    "adlogin": false


This API is equivalent to BioStar 2 -> Settings -> Active Directory -> clicking on Sync Now.

Note : 

- You need to activate BioStar 2 license (Advanced or higher level) in order to use Active Directory with BioStar 2.

- You can find more information on Active Directory in this link : [BioStar 2] How To Configure Active Directory in BioStar2

- You can find information on other APIs related to Active Directory in this link : Active Directory Related APIs 

- We do not support automatic synchronization of AD, but users can implement it using this API.