Adding and Managing Door Groups


You can add groups for easy management of multiple doors. Name your door groups according to door locations or office names for greater convenience.




1)Click DOOR.
2)Right-click on All Door Groups and click Add Door Group.
3)Enter a group name.


0185-clipboard Note

Door groups may be created in up to 8 levels.
Up to 48 characters may be entered for a door group name.




1)Click DOOR.
2)Right-click on the name of a group you wish to rename and click Rename Door Group.
3)Enter a name.


0185-clipboard Note

Up to 48 characters may be entered for a door group name.




1)Click DOOR.
2)Right-click on the name of a group you wish to delete and click Delete User Group.


0185-clipboard Note

Deleting a group deletes all doors in the group.


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