Please refer to this article when you have the below case with Suprema Integration with Nedap AEOS. :

- There is an issue that the certificate has a problem with the Nedap system.

- when it comes out the loading of the page "https://ip_address:44301/WECClient?userid-502="

- The webpage does not load, it is stuck on “(apt-root) Loading …”

How to solve the issue:

 :How to Run the ‘SupremaIntegrationWithNedapAEOS_CertificateIssuer’ 

  1. Go to the ‘cert’ folder under the installation directory(ex. C:\Program Files (x86)\Suprema\Suprema Integration with Nedap AEOS\cert).
  2. Execute the ‘SupremaIntegrationWithNedapAEOS_CertificateIssuer.exe’ file. 

  1. Click the ‘Browser Folder’ button and set the path of the AEOS(ex. C:\AEOS).
  3. Input your IP on the ‘IP’ text box.  
  4. Click the ‘Generate Certificate’ button. 
  5. Click the ‘Install Certificate to PC’ button. 
  6. Click the ‘Import Certificate to AEOS’ button.

※Please refer to the attached file for more details.