If you create or update a user using BioStar 2 Local API Server, some precautions prevent receiving fail user creation/update.

Among them, we will share 3 things to prevent the occurring error message.

1. Confirm the size of the fingerprint template and the format of actual template data in the API

  1. A fingerprint template size should be 384 bytes. Suprema BioStar 2 system only supports the 384 bytes size of a fingerprint template even though the template format is ISO 19794-2 or ANSI378.
  2. If you would like to use ISO or ANSI format template, please create a new ticket and consult with the Suprema team.

2. Confirm if the template is encoded to the BASE64 type.

  • BioStar 2 Local API Server

[PUT] /users/{user_id}/fingerprint_template -> Update one user fingerprint template to the user information

  • BioStar 2 New Local API

[POST] /api/users -> Create one user with fingerprint template

[PUT] /api/users/{id} -> Update one user fingerprint template to the user information

3. Confirm if user period is in accordance with BioStar 2 SW system

"start_datetime" value should be smaller than "expiry_datetime" value.


Valid Data:

"start_datetime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",

"expiry_datetime": "2021-12-31T00:00:00.000Z"

Invalid Data:

"start_datetime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",

"expiry_datetime": "2010-12-31T00:00:00.000Z"

  • BioStar 2 Local API Server

[POST] /users  -> Create new user

[PUT] /users/{user_id} -> Update one user

  • BioStar 2 New Local API

[POST] /api/users -> Create new user

[PUT] /api/users/{id} -> Update one user