Because of various reasons, you can meet your BioStar 2 server runs incorrectly.
In this case, Suprema agents may ask you to share your BioStar 2 log, T&A Log, and backup database to review your issue.
- BioStar 2 log: C:\Program Files\BioStar 2(x64)\logs
- T&A log: C:\Program Files\BioStar 2(x64)\ta\logs
After we review your logs and database, we may inform you that your database became wrong and cannot recover all of your database correctly.
In this moment, you need to install a new BioStar 2 server with freshly installed database.
It will take long time and lots of effort for you to setup a same environment, so we list up some items you can directly restore from the former environment.
Solution 1> You can reload User information without the re-enroll process.
A. Before you remove a current setting, you need to keep the below items. You will lose these data after you restore Users into new BioStar 2 server.
- User Group, User Lists in the User Group, and Access Group.
B. Refer following sequence to restore your User information onto your new BioStar 2 server.
- Install a new BioStar 2 server and new database.
- Login BioStar 2 and check your User data exist right.
- Go to 'Settings - Server' and change 'User/Device Management - Automatic User Synchronization', 'Not Used'.
If you try to upload user information in 'User/Device Management - Automatic User Synchronization - All Devices', you will lose some of your users who have 'User Group' in user information.
- Go to the Device page, search and add your device.
- Check devices you want and click Manage Users in Device.
- Check users from the list and click Upload to upload onto BioStar 2 server from device.
- You can check user lists from User tab as below. Notice that all of users will be upload into default 'All Users' list.
- If you use BioEntry W2 to restore User data, you cannot restore the user name. It will keep biometric and card information, however, lose text data.
- If you only have BioEntry W2 device, you need to save a file of User ID # and Name matched.
- After this step, you need to manually recreate and set User Group and Access Group for each users.
- When you finish to set User Group and Access Group, you can change device synchronization as below again.
Solution 2> You can get in sync for AC logs from the device.
- When you get sync between devices and BioStar 2 server, devices will upload stored AC logs.
- You will be able to check logs from the 'Monitoring' tab as below.
Solution 3> You need to re-create and re-enroll other data.
- User Group, User List in the User Group, and Access Group cannot be re-load from getting a sync device, and you need to recreate those.,
- Please recreate the below items:
- User Group, User List in the User Group and Access Group, Access Level, Floor Level, Device Group, Wiegand device, Door, Door Group, Elevator, Elevator Group, Zone, and T&A settings